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Guest simon

Cash For Trash

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Throwing red meat into a cage of hungry lions does not make for a better cage nor does it make for a healthier lion. What it does create is temporary chaos and an onslaught of even more uninteresting posts which ultimately will turn people away as opposed to attracting new participants.

The cash rewards totaling $1500.00 (if my math is correct) would be better invested in a site makeover, new interface and more desirable features, which, not only attract new people and contributors, but also help to maintain a growing community.

All you have here now is spaghetti being thrown against the wall to see what might stick to increase post count by the very same people who could not maintain a decent level of posting interactions to begin with.

I fear that at the end of your contest you’re going to be left with exactly the same thing you started with along with a few dollars in a few members pockets.

There are some things money cannot buy and I suspect that a flourishing and vibrant forum community is one of those things.

Just my two pennies worth.

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Guest hitoallusa

Well it's for fun and I think people here are well educated and pleasant people. I don't think we have to worry about what you are stating here. It's just for fun. As Oz stated that the number of posts will slow down eventually and whoever wins will be congratulated. I think this site is very innovative and contribute in positive ways to many clients and escorts. It partly brings into light what goes on in the business and help people make reasonable decisions.

It's a jungle out there but at least the site can be used a partial reference. As long as it does that then we can applaud ourselves for our contribution to the community.

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LOL Simon, thank you for sharing with me how you think I should spend my money.

It wasn't my intention to come across as being haughty. That doesn't mean that I didn't. So sorry about that.

Often times when I drop by here I read complaints about no new participation, same ole people, where is everybody, etc. I read many (too many) forums everyday and I have just always struggled with this one for a number of user-related reasons. Hence my post. I realize those are my user-related issues, nobody else's.

Can I recommend to you what you should be doing with your time? ^_^

I think you already have! <_<

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Over the roll.

CORRECT! You've just won $25.00 and advance to round TWO!


In 30 seconds name the last seven things you or a partner shouted out just before cumming.


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Guest CharliePS

CORRECT! You've just won $25.00 and advance to round TWO!


In 30 seconds name the last seven things you or a partner shouted out just before cumming.


Can I ask the audience?

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Personally, I liked and appreciated Simon's suggestion, but after all it's the webmaster's choice as to how he desires his site to be formatted/organized.

My suggestion for this website which I have come to almost daily when I am at home is to change those photos of the guys who appear on the "Home Page." We've seen the same ones for a few years now! I always like to see "fresh," new faces.

Thanks for my most recent escort review. It looks great and reads rather well if I have to say so myself! :flowers: :flowers: -^_^ -^_^:flowers: :flowers:

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The winner of round three will advance to the final round where the correct answer will result in a major prize......

Warning: The final round will require you to answer the round two question above, which was: In 30 seconds name the last seven things you or a partner shouted out just before cumming. However, it has been altered to the last two things you or a partner shouted out just before cumming.

Ok...So here's the ROUND THREE: question:

Ron Paul OR RuPaul?

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So far....MsGuy is the only contestant who has answered ALL three questions. He will win by default if no one else participates.

The FINAL ROUND begins soon.

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