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Much Ado About A Horse

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When I was nine years old, I saw the movie Old Yeller 4 times. It was the classic boy and his dog movie.



The movie Warhorse is similar, substituting a horse, of course, and a happier ending. I saw it this afternoon and liked it, but felt rather manipulated as it is designed to bring a tear to the eye. Tears, I expected. Drooling I didn't. Jeremy Irvine plays the boy, and boy, is he hot. The production values are also much improved since old Yeller.


How could you not root for him to be reunited with his horse? I just wanted to hug him and tell him that the ending was going to be great. Is it a super wonderful movie? Well, I didn't think so, again the manipulation with all the orchestra clanging, and the wondrous vistas and colors. A bit much, but not a turn off.

My interest was all, well, a lot, in Irvine. According to the Hollywood Reporter:

The 21-year-old, a student at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, lacked enough acting experience for the role. (His biggest role at the time: playing a tree in the chorus of the Royal Shakespeare Company.) "I had a couple of months of going in to audition two or three times a week, sometimes doing videotape and knowing it would be shown to Steven," Irvine told THR. "It was quite intense."


Irvine, who auditioned six times before winning the role, waited weeks following his first audition to hear back. "I got a call at about 8 p.m. or 9 p.m., saying, 'Can you meet Steven for tea in a hotel in London tomorrow morning?' I did what any actor would do: I freaked out," he recalled. (end quote)

So, imagine yourself a casting director, seeing Jeremy and the likes of him for weeks on end. I think I would have to retire...

Interview with Jeremy. I think they pumped his lips up for the movie:

Jeremy Interviewed

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I loved "Warhorse". Even though it was a bit overly melodramatic, it was a good story. I think Spielberg may have a real shot at Best Picture/Best Director.

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I am not sure why, but this movie just didn't capture my attention enough to go see it yet. It does look good but it seems a bit sappy to me. Am I wrong?

I'd say more melodramatic than sappy. But it's really a good story. it's like the epic stories of the 60's. it is definitely worth seeing. I'm anxious to see it on stage when it comes to LA.

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EXPAT, I am glad to know that we agree here. Would you please post a pic of Jeremy Irvine's ass? Thanks.

I have been searching all day and NOTHING!! He must have sexted someone somewhere !!!

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LOL, I looked last night, EXPAT.

I suspect Mr. Irvin's vault from extra to star was just too sudden to allow the usual backtracking of his personal history.

Patience, my dear EXPAT, patience. :P

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