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On To The New Year...Everyone?

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As some might have noticed, I have been encouraging folks to post more, and more often, to keep MER an exciting place for all of us to visit. I even took a short holiday to allow others to get a word in.

There are 27 unpinned threads on the main menu page of the Hooboy Pub. (I eliminated the banned threads by Simon.)

8 of these threads are started by BiBottom Boy. Ten are started by administrators Tampa Yankee and Totally Oz. The last response in 20 of the 29 threads is by BiBottom Boy.

So, how is this equal dispersion working? Well, not so well, although I congratulate One Finger for his efforts to increase his posting. When you look at the above statistic, you see that just a few people seem to be carrying the site. And if, by chance, you thought one or more of them was not a very interesting poster, then there is even less here to attract your interest, and, by implication, the interest of others coming to the site. We did have some new members recently, but they didn't stay long. Anyone wonder why?

Many of us enjoy having this forum available as an alternative to other gay websites. But I don't see how it can be maintained by such a small group of regular posters. So, without any hectoring or badgering, I am simply trying to, once again, make the simple point that you need to give some of your own effort to maintain a lively site worth visiting regularly. In fairness, I should mention that I am focusing here on the Pub, but the other forums do have some greater diversity, even if not the readership the Pub gets.

In sum, and without any attempt to hector or badger, I would just kindly suggest that as a New Year's resolution, you decide that you want the site to thrive and make a solid effort to add more content to the site. More reviews, more threads, and more responses to the posts that your fellow members are adding each day.

Happy New Year, then, to those who make the commitment to the continuing vitality of the Male Escort review website.

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...although I congratulate One Finger for his efforts to increase his posting.

Thanks for noticing. But, my contributions are directed related to the amount of time I've had off work. I love work shutting down between Christmas and New Years. It gives me more time to do what I enjoy. Those 12 hour work days really hamper my time for participation.

Here's hoping that 2012 sees more quality participation.

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Thanks for noticing. But, my contributions are directed related to the amount of time I've had off work. I love work shutting down between Christmas and New Years. It gives me more time to do what I enjoy. Those 12 hour work days really hamper my time for participation.

Here's hoping that 2012 sees more quality participation.

I figured as much, and I realize how easy it is for retired folks like me to wish others spent more time here. But I value the site, enjoy it, and always want to have more interesting posts to read. So I ask. You know what they say, ask and you shall receive. If only I had asked that go-go boy at Mickys...

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I am happy to see all posting and enjoying the site.

I think Lucky looked at the Hooboy pub as those who started threads. I looked at the last 20 threads started and it was a wide variety. Some people post in this forum first and others post in other forums. We need to always be sure to look all over the board and not just concentrate on this one.

Lucky is a great contributor and has been great for stirring up posts. So has BBB who has started several of the threads. All in all, the board has a good variety IMHO and I hope that continues.

Looking forward to seeing what 2012 has in store for us all!

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I also think that looking up the threads and posts on New Years weekend is a bit misleading. Less people are going to be posting in general because of the holiday and from my perspective there was less news out there for me to come up with ideas for threads since Gawker, Jezebel, After Elton, Gay 360, TMZ and Slate did not update their content at all (except for stories about Russel Brand divorcing Katy Perry, which really has no impact/interest to the male escort community.)

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