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Rick Perry's Gay Partners Come Out Of The Woodwork

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Guest hitoallusa

Hot! You write too? A writer living in France sounds so appealing to me. Do you write poems too?

From the Thaw of 1966

Headlong headlong waters; roaring; old hypnosis.

The river swamps the car-cemetery, glitters

behind the masks.

I hold tight to the bridge railing.

The bridge: a big iron bird sailing past death.


Tomas Transtromer

They have credence to me because every single journalist I know who works in Texas has told me it's well known that he's gay. It's sort of like when I was a journalist in New Jersey and we all knew Jimmy was gay years before he outed himself on camera.

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Lucky, I was a fairly prominent journalist for more than a decade and I still have lots of friends in the industry, plus one of my parents was the Executive Editor of a fairly large newspaper chain before they retired so I'm pretty in the loop when it comes to journalism stuff and pretty much everyone I talk to who isn't on Male Escort Review is a journalist.

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Guest JamesWilson

Man, when you've been hiring male escorts and been the sugar daddy of male "mall rats" maybe it's not a great idea to run for President under an anti-gay agenda.

Are you suggesting he would have been OK if he had run under a pro-gay agenda?


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Guest JamesWilson


Do you think anybody would have cared if Barney Frank was the sugar daddy to some younger men?

Perry was originally elected as a Democrat and if he'd stayed a democrat and stayed pro gay rights, it wouldn't be a big deal.

Hmmm... I think I should have been more specific. What I meant to say was:

Are you suggesting he would have been OK if he had run FOR PRESIDENT under a pro-gay agenda?

C'mon, BBB... There is no way in this hyperpartisan day and age that ANYONE who has been "hiring male escorts and been the sugar daddy of male 'mall rats'" could be elected President of the United States! Heck, they couldn't even get elected to be a school board trustee!


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A few years back they said a man who cheated on his wife couldn't get elected. Then Bill Clinton came along.

After Clinton they said that a man who had used cocaine and other drugs couldn't get elected. Then George Bush came along.

For all of American history they said a black man couldn't get elected. Now we have Obama.

History does some weird shit.

Hmmm... I think I should have been more specific. What I meant to say was:

Are you suggesting he would have been OK if he had run FOR PRESIDENT under a pro-gay agenda?

C'mon, BBB... There is no way in this hyperpartisan day and age that ANYONE who has been "hiring male escorts and been the sugar daddy of male 'mall rats'" could be elected President of the United States! Heck, they couldn't even get elected to be a school board trustee!


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I still wonder what the title of this thread is supposed to say:

Rick Perry's Gay Partners Come Out Of The Woodwork

Who came out to speak on Rick, I mean, really came out names, dates, places?

What specific gay acts occurred and were revealed by these people?

What woodwork did they come from? Did they stay out or return to hiding? Why were they hiding?

Are they making themselves available to the press for follow-up interviews?

And, finally, is the sum and substance of what these woodwork-free individuals have to say enough to conclusively determine that Perry is gay? And, if so, why is he till in the race?

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