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Shocking News on PotHeads

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...national parks. At least, that's what the bold "head"line says at nydailynews.com:

Marijuana growers killing national forests and parks, U.S. Forest Service says

"The outlaw reefer growers seek out national parkland for their hidden weed farms because the forests are incredibly vast, security is incredibly light and conditions are ripe for growing, the website Live Science reported."

“The most disgusting aspect of it is the pollution,” (a researcher) said. “They just pour chemicals like nobody’s business ... and they get washed into streams that flow through national parks.”

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/marijuana-growers-killing-national-forests-parks-u-s-forest-service-article-1.990527#ixzz1gNwuzyKm

(The moral of the story? Insist that the Mexican cartels only grow the stuff in Mexico!)

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Guest FourAces

(The moral of the story? Insist that the Mexican cartels only grow the stuff in Mexico!)

Or only buy organic grown pot :P:o I'm sure in California Costco or Sams Club will soon have a kiosk :D

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...national parks. At least, that's what the bold "head"line says at nydailynews.com:

Marijuana growers killing national forests and parks, U.S. Forest Service says

"The outlaw reefer growers seek out national parkland for their hidden weed farms because the forests are incredibly vast, security is incredibly light and conditions are ripe for growing, the website Live Science reported."

“The most disgusting aspect of it is the pollution,” (a researcher) said. “They just pour chemicals like nobody’s business ... and they get washed into streams that flow through national parks.”

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national/marijuana-growers-killing-national-forests-parks-u-s-forest-service-article-1.990527#ixzz1gNwuzyKm

(The moral of the story? Insist that the Mexican cartels only grow the stuff in Mexico!)

One more good reason to legalize the stuff. Unbelievable how stupid our policy is and has been on this simple vice. (For the record I do not partake of it myself. I prefer alcohol in moderation and guys in immoderation. :devil: )

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Don't you need the exact same soil conditions to grow pot as you do tobacco? Since cigarette sales are down, if you legalized pot I bet Phillip Morris would love to just use some of their farmland to grow stuff safely.

Unfortunately that makes too much sense. Sort of like shouldn't we be drilling 70 miles off Florida's coast, instead of Cuba (China)?

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I understand that the best bud is grown without soil. I've long heard of hydroponic systems in which the plant's roots are washed with water and nutrients, which then drain away.

Now, I'm told, that has been improved upon by a new system in which the plants are suspended from a wire mesh. The roots hang down in the air and are sprayed with just the right amount of nutrients every few minutes. Lights are timed to give the plants the right amount of light and darkness to maximize resin production. The result is an excellent product with high yield and little impact on the environment.

As good weed tends to make me loquacious, I think of them as the Hanging Gardens of Babble-on. rolleyes.gif

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