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American Airlines "A Cesspool of Corruption"

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In an article on the trial of an American Airlines luggage handler for drug smuggling, it is mentioned that 80% of the airline's luggage handlers steal from luggage in what is called a "cesspool of corruption."

One luggage handler in particular led a drug smuggling ring, making millions of dollars. Victor Bourne, apparently on his own initiative, arranged for cocaine to be smuggled into planes by similarly corrupt baggage handlers in Barbados. "...his associates in the enterprise were other airline employees: baggage handlers and crew chiefs who delivered contraband while they delivered luggage to the baggage-claim area," the NY Times reports.

American Airlines is the leading airline in having items stolen from luggage.

Read the whole story, and then think again before you leave valuables in your luggage!

What Those Bag Fees Cover!

Wonder why they distract us with complaints about Alec Baldwin?

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It is sad and too bad that folks think they need to do illegal activities in order to "survive". I am hoping that you do not think "everyone" will do "anything" for money because that is incorrect.

The escorts that I have met do not think that way even though they are technically doing something illegal for money. I also am employed in the aviation community and know plenty of folks therein who would not do illegal things for any reason. Personally, in years past, I have been offered several ten thousand dollars (like 50,000) to fly drugs to/from the US and points south. I refused. I am not trying to take a high moral ground, only make the point that most folks are honest and do not wish to earn money in this fashion.

Best regards,


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