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Rick Perry's Top Pollster Is Gay

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Guest hitoallusa

Who cares Rick Perry is almost out.. If Gingrich gets nominated then I think Obama will have an easy win. Don't you think?

Homophobic presidential candidate Rick Perry, who recently put out an ad decrying gay marriage, has a closeted gay man as his top pollster, blogs all over are reporting:

Homo Profits on Bigotry

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Homophobic presidential candidate Rick Perry, who recently put out an ad decrying gay marriage, has a closeted gay man as his top pollster, blogs all over are reporting:

Homo Profits on Bigotry

This is so fucking consistent with the total screw-up that is Rick Perry. With so many jokes in this GOP primary season, who thought he would turn out to be headliner of that group?

This guy launched off of Mt Olympus to the hizzahs of the GOP and MSM choruses (chorae?) and fell straight into an ocean of speaking and ad gaffes and tongue-tied debate responses. He seemed in deep pain simply to complete a thought. Only in Texas could this guy get elected to any office, not to mention governor. Says all I need to know about Texans as intellectually-acute voters.

I so wish he would get the nomination just for the entertainment of the Presidential debates. :D

Rick Perry for President !!

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Guest FourAces

The best thing about Rick Perry running for president to many of us Texans is finally the national press is holding him accountable. It also shows what a complete asshole he is. Thankfully this run for the White House should kill any chance that Texans will vote for him again in the next gubernatorial election. One term was too much three has been painful.

PS I rarely wonder into this forum. When I saw Rick Perry's name I went a bit nutZ ^_^ Did not mean to steal your thread Lucky.

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