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U.S. Airways Questions Students Before Flight

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Eh, American students get questioned when they go to other countries as well. Try being 20 and flying to or from South America - you'll get all kinds of drug questions/searches.

Try being an attractive female student flying to the UK. You'll get asked if you are an escort (this has happened to many of my female friends.)

Try being a young flayboyant gay student flying to France, you'll get asked if you have HIV and are just trying to use your student visa to get free HIV medication.

Young people get treated with suspicion by all countries.

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Guest hitoallusa

I am not a young guy but I got searched once in Japan. On another occasion I had a bottle of lube in my carry on and a TSA agent gave me a very disapproving look and carry the bottle away from me as if it were biohazard waste. Then questioned about another TSA what my occupation is and etc.. It was kind of embarrassing.

Eh, American students get questioned when they go to other countries as well. Try being 20 and flying to or from South America - you'll get all kinds of drug questions/searches.

Try being an attractive female student flying to the UK. You'll get asked if you are an escort (this has happened to many of my female friends.)

Try being a young flayboyant gay student flying to France, you'll get asked if you have HIV and are just trying to use your student visa to get free HIV medication.

Young people get treated with suspicion by all countries.

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