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Guest simon

What's So Great about Being Gay?

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Guest hitoallusa

Wow interesting research Lucky. One thing led to another. I can't wait for another edition of Lucky Reader. I am always interested in how the economy works and the ways that can make it work better so that more people can live a higher quality (not just material increase) life. What writers describe in books of a certain period of history gives us something to contemplate such books by Jane Austene. They reflect general values and norms of her period that can be useful understand other historical figures at that time. Maybe our posts here and Lucky Reader will be referenced in the future by someone who tries to understand our time. I find that amazing and exciting.

Lookin, I had just finished a novel by the Irish writer Ken Bruen called Headstone. (It's acutally funny but very violent and cynical.I In that novel he just happened to mention at times the various economic problems befalling London. I recommend the novel to anyone who likes dry wit and can handle some big-time violence! It also helps to be a cynic. Anyway, the writing is just vicious.

So, after that, I wanted to know more about this Irish Economy, so I went to Google and found this interview. And that's how it happened! Maybe should have saved it for the Lucky Reader.

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:...(It's acutally funny but very violent and cynical.I In that novel he just happened to mention at times the various economic problems befalling London."

Geez, I need a proofreader. It's "actually" and the problems were befalling "Ireland" not London, although there are certain similarities.

And I totally missed Lookin's comment that it was his gayness that he loathed, not himself, although it seems to me that they are rather intertwined.

If people wore the pictured clothing to a salon in Palm Springs I think it would be a rather short meeting!

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And I totally missed Lookin's comment that it was his gayness that he loathed, not himself, although it seems to me that they are rather intertwined.

Well, that was one of the most thought-provoking parts of the thread for me. I've been gay since before I'd even heard the word, but I always knew it was only a part of who I am. I've known other folks who considered being gay a - if not the - major part of their identity. And then there are a few who put it into the background almost entirely. I don't think there's any right or wrong way to feel about it, as long as someone is comfortable with his or her feelings, and doesn't cause trouble for others.

(By the by, I don't think there's anything in the paragraph above that doesn't apply to heterosexuality as well.)

Davies clearly isn't comfortable with his gayness and my wish for him is that he could become more accepting of that part of himself, and perhaps act on it one day. But, as far as I can tell, he doesn't cause trouble for anybody else, except maybe those reckless enough to chide him for his views. And perhaps his personal discomfort provides some of the fuel for his creativity and for his desire to express himself so fully.

Thinking about the differences between me and other folks is always enlightening, and this thread provided a great opportunity to do just that.

In your debt once again. thumbsup.png

PS: One of my memories from visits to Palm Springs was the prevalence of arctic-like air conditioning everywhere I went. Nanook himself could have dressed in brocades and felt right at home. Of course, this was before even Al Gore knew about global warming and energy was cheap. Should I ever return, I'll leave my furs in the closet. rolleyes.gif


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Having dated both men and women I can say that there are a lot of advantages to liking dick.

1. Don't have to worry about your partner getting pregnant.

2. Don't have to worry about your partner bothering you to get pregnant.

3. Until recently didn't have to worry about your partner bothering you for a ring.

4. Your partner is going to be much more likely to be up for a threesome.

5. You can fuck every day of the month.

6. Your partner will almost always cum.

7. Your partner will actually know how to give head.

8. Sex on the first date is much more likely.

9. You can leave the seat up.

10. Your partner won't hang up stockings in the shower to dry.

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