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Half-Way To JFK

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11/22/63 is a date that we all remember, well, most of us who are old enough. But it is also the title of Stephen King's newest novel. It's about a man who learns how to time travel back to 1958, where he will stay in an effort to stop the assassination of the president.

The book is 848 pages long, which might deter many readers. But, I am half way through it, and I am here to tell you what a delight it is to read. It's one of those "can't put it down novels."

So, if you like to read, don't let the size of the book stop you. And, if you are a Fifties fan, then run to the bookstore. King does the Fifties so well, you might think you had time-traveled.

At the half-way point we have barely made it to Dallas. King is just having fun recreating the Fifties. It's nostalgia time!

Known more lately for his horror stories, King has switched gears, and this epic look at a time gone by is worth it...at least to page 424! I'll keep you tuned in.

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Guest hitoallusa

Thanks Lucky for a good book recommendation. I watched the third episode of The Fabric of the Cosmos: Quantum Leap on PBS and it was mind blowing. There is a possibility that we are just in one reality out of numerous possible realities. So in another reality or universe JFK might be still alive. Quantum mechanics is a mysterious subject and it gives a different perspective on our life. On today's episode, they show the possibility of transporting people like what we see in the Star Trek series. If that can become reality then people traveling to our past could be possible too by simply traveling to an alternate reality rather than actually going back time. The last episode is on next week. So don't miss it. Here is a link for the program. What these novel authors simply write out of their imagination can come true sometime in the future excites me.


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Guest FourAces

The plot sounds really cool. I like the idea of time travel. Though I have little to no interest in the fifties. Since a good portion of the book is set in that era I am going to pass ... but thanks Lucky on bringing the book to our attention.

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Eeyore, you know, this is the first time that I thought an e-book would be a handy tool. The King book is heavy, but I am now used to it.

And as for the different dimension possibilities, can you imagine the MER in another dimension, where everyone fights and the owner is named TotallyNuts?

I wonder who the prolific posters are, and what they call themselves. Byetoallusa? MrGuy? Snookin? ThreeClovers? SEXPAT? Or lickerlicks? What a world that might be! TampaxSkankee would be the moderator, and...oh, oh, there can only be one Tomcal!

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Would MrGuy be from Mistersippi? I have recently read or re-read most of Tom Clancy's books so many pages are no obstruction. Also, Winds of War was a book that I wished would go on and on, even though as I recall it was over 1200 pages.

Best regards,


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