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Shocking Revelation About Hitoallusa

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While many of us struggle with our grammar and spelling, work long hours to come up with interesting posts, it is revealed today that hitoallusa, currently today's most prolific poster, has a professional writer to compose his posts for him. That's right, he has a writer!

This scoop is not mine. In fact, in another forum, probably where he felt it might go unnoticed, hitoall reveals this himself. His exact words as he tries to get another poster to use the same writer: "...or you can forward it to my writer directly if that's more convenient for you. No names have to come out..."

Of course no names have to come out. Could Stephen King be the writer?

Now doesn't this change your perspective on things? Is it really hitoallusa who thinks that you are sweet,or is it some unknown writer, perhaps one living in India if he outsources!

Did hitoall read the books he reviews, or did some writer living in an ivory tower at Princeton or some other elite university?

Let the truth come out, hitoall. And please, write it yourself! ^_^

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Guest hitoallusa

Lucky, that is too funny. If a writer writes like me then hmm I think he or she will be out of business in no time. The writer I have mentioned is a friend and as we talk about my current struggles with unfortunate events, we thought about writing a book about it. I just suggested to a new forum member if he wants to write about his experience in the industry then he can participate in the process. I hope there is no confusion about it.

I just like to read. I buy books, read them and give them to some people as presents. I always tell them I read them though. I donate children books every year during the holidays and I give some books to escorts too but not sure they have read them. If you have not and not going to read them please donate them to a local library. I gave a three bag load of books to a political scientist and he is enjoying them immensely. He thinks I'm a bit weird that I read all these books. For me reading biographies of others make me feel alive and somehow help me understand other people better.

About the book I am about to write, I don't think it will be a best seller or anything. I am not sure whether there is going to be a publisher who will even consider looking at the manuscript. I am doing it to heal my scars and look back. Not trying to hurt anyone or expose other people's secrets. I just want to be able to tell my side of the story and help people to make better decisions. Most of all, do the right thing. If someone is so precious to you and you truly care about the person then you have to do the right thing. Life is hard and difficult and we sometimes make it more difficult by making not so smart choices.

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Guest gcursor

I felt bad that nobody would share anything with Oz so I am doing this post just to share with Oz. Oz, Ive never told anybody this before but when I was young, I used to always sleep with a teddy bear. Eventually he started looking a little worn and ONE day my teddy came up missing! I was so distraught. I thought he may have run away from home. My mom said she knew nothing about where my teddy went and neither did my dad. I spent the whole day searching for Teddy going through all the nooks and crannies. After a while, my mom (who had been watching me do all this) relented and told me that teddy was in the top of the closet. She was trying to break me of my teddy bear habit and didn't think I was that attached to him.

I did get Teddy back and continued to sleep with him for some years even though he had lost an eye and a nose. I remember that my mom got me a NEW Teddy bear one year. I never did anything with that bear though because he just wasn't my Teddy. It was like he was some sort of adopted teddy bear.

ah...what a life.

I never feel so lost as when the two of you get together and talk about things I am not privy to. I feel left out and alone. Why does no one share with me?

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