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What's It Take To Get Your Thread Read?

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Over at Daddy's, we know they have larger participation than we do here. Our own gcursor started a thread there called "You're fat and you're ugly and..." which received a whopping 3787 views.

So what about here? What are the popular threads? The easiest way to find out is to go to the last 8 pages in the Pub and see just what got the most views. The Pub, without doubt, is the site's most popular forum page. So, here goes, not counting pinned topics:

Top Threads on each page:

Dental Deceit -433 views

WeHo GoGo Boy -386 views

Steve Jobs -358 views

Amanda Knox NG -353 views

Risking Everything -315 views and counting

In Last 60 Minutes -296 views

Yesterday, All My Troubles -281 views

TopPosters Often Absent -242 views

In those 8 pages, how many threads received 0 views?

Well, none. But 25 threads received zero responses in the first 8 pages of threads. You can't win them all! But a topic doesn't have to be gay to get read.

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Guest gcursor

if you want traffic then controversy is the easiest way to do it. say something that you know people will disagree with. say something about a website that is questionable. express your unfettered opinions on a gay porn star. dirt breeds more comments. ithats how the gossip rags sell in the supermarket, thats how the porn gossip sites make their money. now I do place postings about other things that are "off the beaten track" and that draws a few people in. However if you want to see people swimming around like sharks then its easy to figure out how to do it..however depending on what you post, you may not be one of the most popular people after posting it BUT at least you will have web traffic!


gay penguins get separated at the zoo gets put on page 38 of the paper. hot gay porn actor assaulting boyfriend at local nightclub gets page 2 at least.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

sorry, but I have to disagree with you, Gcurser. The sensationalism may get attention, but it too dies out.. Over at Daddy's, I created a thread back on May 16 of 2010, Yes 2010.. That thread is entitled "List three things a day to be thankful for".. That post is still on the second page of topics.. it is the number one most replied to post since the "rebirth" of Daddy's site, with 630 replies. It is the third most viewed topic since the "rebirth" with 13,051 views--It is only behind the "Benjamin Nicholas expose, and the death of Hooboy.

What makes people keep coming back again and again? What makes them curious enough to read the responses day after day? I don't know. I realize that many of the posters here are either dual posters from both sites, or they are imports that used to post over there..

I definitely feel that there is much more of a "family" type atmosphere here. We are encouraged to voice our concerns, our feelings, etc without fear of being "punished".. Yes, we do occasionally get censured, but it is all for a good reason, not because someone got his feathers ruffled.

I honestly do not know an answer to get more views or more posts. I guess I will just keep posting what I can and hopefully something will click one day and take off. Until then, post what you can, look at what you want to look at, and reply to anything that interests you.. Who knows, maybe YOU can be the author of the next "List three things to be thankful for"..

Sincerely yours,


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Guest hitoallusa

We are getting more traffic. I guess the site needs more reviews too to attract more people. I will submit one soon. I really like it here and I don't get random emails from people asking about escorts so it's more peaceful here for me.

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