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Announcing The Lucky Reader

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It has occurred to me that I have so many threads, if I could cut down on them we might see a rise in threads by other posters. I list my occupation as "internet poster" and it is easy to see why- I post a lot.

If I had fewer threads, then others could see their own threads rise to the top.

So, on Monday, I plan to introduce The Lucky Reader, a thread that will appear several times a week and contain many of the news items that interest me as well as some commentary. It will even be updated as the day goes along.

The Reader will have news items that I have found in my internet reading, as well as some commentary. Although I would like to publish 3 or 4 times a week, I am dependent on things happening in the news and will not post a column just to be doing so.

Reader comments will be welcome. If there ultimately does not appear to be much interest, then I will throw in the towel.

The Lucky Reader will be plugged at Daddy's as it will also be available as a blog.

Your support and interest in it is the main thing that will make it a success of not. It's something new, something different, so I hope that it will appeal to you and at the same time take me off of the daily post leads. Tips on news items of interest to gays are welcome.

The pressure will then be on you to keep the number of quality posts at MER at a high level.

So, keep your eyes peeled on Monday, and hope that some things happen so the blog will contain some good stuff.



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I have a great story about getting my ass licked. It happened in Madrid with a guy I picked up at the Black & White disco/hustler bar...

But back to the subject at hand. The Lucky Reader is proving to be a chore. Typically if I see something that I want to share, I just post it. Yes, that results in lots of threads started by Lucky, and even I don't like that. But to formalize it into a reader, well, that requires work as now something is expected of me. It has to look visually appealing, it has to be interesting, and everyone wants pictures of someone cute.

So, I will probably post the result of my efforts tomorrow just so they don't go to waste, but I don't see how I can do this regularly without it becoming a job. And who wants that?

But one other thing. I live in California, so that means the east coast is 3 hours ahead of me. Don't look to see this before noon!

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But back to the subject at hand. The Lucky Reader is proving to be a chore. Typically if I see something that I want to share, I just post it. Yes, that results in lots of threads started by Lucky, and even I don't like that. But to formalize it into a reader, well, that requires work as now something is expected of me. It has to look visually appealing, it has to be interesting, and everyone wants pictures of someone cute.

So, I will probably post the result of my efforts tomorrow just so they don't go to waste, but I don't see how I can do this regularly without it becoming a job. And who wants that?

I wholeheartedly support whatever you choose to do. For me, easier is better. When a task takes on the aura of becoming a chore then it soon becomes a burden.

I appreciate your posts and threads individually or otherwise. I do not want the them to become a burden. We will all be the poorer for it.

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Guest hitoallusa

It's Monday here and waiting for Lucky's Reader. If it comes out in the morning in PS then it should be around lunch time here. I think I can go to lunch early today and read the Lucky's post.

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Guest FourAces

Lucky when it comes to the blog if you need any help or suggestions or whatever just ask. I have some experience or can usually get you in the right direction if I don't know.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Well, the Reader is ready to post, but I got a message that it has too many pix, so waiting to see how to work around that.

In the meantime, I have to go to a meeting.

WOOHOO... I like lots of pics..

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Guest CharliePS

Well, the Reader is ready to post, but I got a message that it has too many pix, so waiting to see how to work around that.

In the meantime, I have to go to a meeting.

Of the editorial staff?

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For better or worse, it's finished. I hope that you like it, but feel free to offer suggestions, or comment on the articles/pix that I chose to use.

(Be sure to read both parts. The videos were selected because they are worth watching, so why not watch?)

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