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And why do YOU watch TV?

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Guest FourAces

Each season there are usually 3 maybe 4 shows I tend to watch. But of those I almost always watch them online.

I will turn the TV on to hear a NFL game while I might be doing something else. Sometimes I will turn it on to just play in the background usually listening to the news. But these instances are rare.

In fact as I write this not even sure why I have a TV anymore lol. I hardly ever intentionally sit down to watch it.

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1. I hate all reality TV and refuse to acknowledge its existence.

2. I do like singing competition shows. I watch American Idol and X Factor religiously. I also watch X Factor UK via YouTube weekly.

3. My favorite shows are scripted dramas but I do like a couple of comedies:

Big Bang Theory is my favorite comedy and I also like Modern Family.

4. New shows that have hooked me: "American Horror Story", "Grimm", "Pan Am", "Revenge", "Ringer", "Terra Nova", "Once Upon A Time" (I love Prince Charming. . .)

5. Older shows that I love: "Fringe", "Hawaii 50", "Gossip Girl", "Law & Order: SVU", "Glee", "Blue Bloods", "Desperate Housewives", "Harry's Law", "The Closer", "Dexter", "True Blood".

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Guest zipperzone

Basically I Hate watching TV these days. I find it a huge waste of my time, hate paying the cable bill to receive what I consider to be CRAP TV.

IMO there has not been a funny sitcom since "Everybody Loves Raymond" & "Frasier" were taken off air.

I'm sick of reality shows that are so heavily edited they might as well be scripted.

I'm sick of shows like "Dancing with the Stars" that are spun out to 2 hours just to sell advertising when 1 or 1 1/2 hrs would suffice.

I look upon all this crap as the dumbing down of America. There must be more double digit IQs out there that I ever imagined.

Who needs unfunny sitcoms that use a laugh track to let you know what is supposed to be funny?

Who needs to see a recap of everything that's happened so far in the show, after every commercial break. We are treated like children whose attention span is somewhat lacking

And I certainly don't want to see another "cutie" comedy that revolves around "darling" little children.

Andy Rooney - why did you leave us?

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I liked AR, too. I basically only watch sports, the History Channel, Discovery, the Military channel, maybe Jeopardy and that is about it. I haven't watched a network program in years and only actually have a network "tuned in" for sports. Let me not leave out the Weather Channel but I have so many other weather sources that I only watch the WC for "entertainment", so to speak.

When I travel and stay overnight I make a list of potential channels I might watch in my room. The list usually is about 7 channels long and I end up watching maybe 3 of those. Now, if only, DirecTV would let me buy and pay for the dozen channels I watch, that would be lovely. ^_^

Best regards,


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Guest CharliePS

I often watch the Tennis Channel while I am working online; I work during the commercials and promos. This is one of the advantages of telecommuting that my employer never mentioned when they told us that they were closing the central work office and everyone would be required to work from home. (They also never mentioned that one of their reasons was to shift the cost of computers, software, maintenance, etc., to the workers.)

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I often watch the Tennis Channel while I am working online; I work during the commercials and promos. This is one of the advantages of telecommuting that my employer never mentioned when they told us that they were closing the central work office and everyone would be required to work from home. (They also never mentioned that one of their reasons was to shift the cost of computers, software, maintenance, etc., to the workers.)

How on earth did I ever get the impression that you were retired or at least semi-retired? How silly of me.

Of course, the "company" expected and apparently achieved the desired result of those "savings" that you mention. Worker bees are always subject to the queen bee. Now, is that anyone we know? ^_^

Best regards,


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Guest CharliePS

How on earth did I ever get the impression that you were retired or at least semi-retired? How silly of me.

Of course, the "company" expected and apparently achieved the desired result of those "savings" that you mention. Worker bees are always subject to the queen bee. Now, is that anyone we know? ^_^

Best regards,


I have been retired from my fulltime job for almost a decade. However, like many senior citizens, I have a fixed income, so I have continued to work part-time to pay for all those desirable extras (escorts, travel, restaurant meals, etc.), and by the time I am in the nursing home, there will probably be technology that allows me to work in bed during my conscious moments.

When my employer moved everything on line, we were told that they were doing it for our sake, so we could save time and money on commuting, and could work from anywhere. All that was true, and I appreciated it, because it meant that I could move across country and still keep the same job. What they didn't mention was their real reason, which was so that they no longer had to provide the office space, computers, power, broadband connections, paper, printers, ink, etc., that are necessary to do the work; all that now comes out of MY pocket.

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I have been retired from my fulltime job for almost a decade. However, like many senior citizens, I have a fixed income, so I have continued to work part-time to pay for all those desirable extras (escorts, travel, restaurant meals, etc.), and by the time I am in the nursing home, there will probably be technology that allows me to work in bed during my conscious moments.

When my employer moved everything on line, we were told that they were doing it for our sake, so we could save time and money on commuting, and could work from anywhere. All that was true, and I appreciated it, because it meant that I could move across country and still keep the same job. What they didn't mention was their real reason, which was so that they no longer had to provide the office space, computers, power, broadband connections, paper, printers, ink, etc., that are necessary to do the work; all that now comes out of MY pocket.

Thanks for the reply. I don't disagree with your sentiments.

Best regards,


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1. I hate all reality TV and refuse to acknowledge its existence.

2. I do like singing competition shows. I watch American Idol and X Factor religiously. I also watch X Factor UK via YouTube weekly.

3. My favorite shows are scripted dramas but I do like a couple of comedies:

Big Bang Theory is my favorite comedy and I also like Modern Family.

4. New shows that have hooked me: "American Horror Story", "Grimm", "Pan Am", "Revenge", "Ringer", "Terra Nova", "Once Upon A Time" (I love Prince Charming. . .)

5. Older shows that I love: "Fringe", "Hawaii 50", "Gossip Girl", "Law & Order: SVU", "Glee", "Blue Bloods", "Desperate Housewives", "Harry's Law", "The Closer", "Dexter", "True Blood".

1. I love reality TV and watch it all the time.

2. I like XFactor and love American Idol.

3. Modern Family and 2 and 1/2 Men rule.

4. Love Revenge, Terra Nova and Once Upon a Time.

5. Totally Agree except for I don't like Gossip Girl. Not sure why.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

For the most part, I watch tv out of boredom..

there are a few shows that I try not to miss however.

Currently, my must see's are (in no random order)

1) Glee--i know, i know. I am a big ole flaming fag.

2) X factor

3) American Horror Story

There is a show which I am just starting to watch now which is the Walking Dead. A new friend told me about it, so I rented the first season on DVD..Love it so far.. Hopefully I will get thru season one in the next day or so, then try to find the first couple episodes of season 2 so I will be up to date.

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