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Halloween right into Christmas???

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Isn't it true that as soon as Halloween hits, so does the Christmas decorations. Will Mr. Turkey won't stand for it anymore. . .

Going back to the good old days when Christmas was measured by how many caroling groups came by rather than Wall St ink color.

Everything in this country is bought and sold, government, health care, ..., even holidays, be it Xmas or Valentines Day. It's all about the Benjamins. About the only holidays that aren't swamped in commericalism are Easter and Passover and I suspect Wall St is greiving over that.

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Guest epigonos

Tampa you are undoubtedly correct but I still, at seventy-one, love Christmas. I love it in all its crass, vulgar, secular, commercialism. I live in a 1,200 sq. ft. condo yet it takes me three weeks to do my Christmas decorating. I start decorating the second week of October in order to be finished by the first week in November so I can fly off to Puerto Vallarta and relax for a week. Upon my return I will spend the bulk of November cooking and baking in preparation for a series holiday brunches, dinners, and open houses. I love it! I Love It!! I LOVE IT!!!

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