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Guest FourAces

A Celebration Of Steve's Life

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Guest FourAces

Apple has posted the company wide celebration of Steve Jobs life held Oct 19th at Apple HQ. Its a bit long but really beautiful and for me well worth the time. It even brought a few tears to my eyes and I don't even know why :P

Click Here to watch it.

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I have read both of the biographies by Walter Isaacson of Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein. I thought them very good and I enjoyed them but they reminded me of a term paper. There was redundancy and all too many listed references. I consider many of those not necessary in a "modern" account of long dead illuminaries. Therefore I view his biography of Steve Jobs with a little caution. Not that I think he is insincere or covering up "negative" items, just that he might be a little too close to the subject and perhaps treating the subject all too "academically", so to speak.

I have not read the book. After and when I do, I shall report on my feelings then, if anyone cares. ^_^

In the meantime, let us just cruise along with our personal thoughts about life in general and deal with life as it exists and we know it today. ^_^

Best regards,


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