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Brazi's Strong Economy : Only Japanese andBritish spend more in USA than Brazilians

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There was a great New York Times article today on the Brazilian Economy. I have seen over the years that I have been traveling to Brazil the number of Brazilians traveling to the USA to shop keep increasing. Read this article. It is very interesting.


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"Only Japanese and British spend more in USA than Brazilian"

Just would like to point out that estimate from the US Dep't of Commerce is apparently calculated on a per-capita basis and also includes airfare if the trip was made on a US-owned airline...

I mention this in case anyone else was wondering, as I was, how some 833,000 Brazilians (the number who travelled to the USA from January to July of this year) could possibly outspend the 12.1 million Canadians (or for that matter the 7.6 million Mexicans) who visited the US over the same period of time.


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