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Phones in The Movie Theater

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I was going to add this to the thread I started on 50/50, but it seemed odd to hijack my own thread, so here it is. My apologies if I have created too many threads lately:

Kenneth, over at kennethinthe212.com, gives an opinion on seeing the gay movie Weekend. But I was taken with his comments on some of the other patrons as I had two of the other 4 people in the theater with me at 50/50 busy on their phones during the movie:

Within seconds, it became obvious these two guys behind us were going to be "a problem" (that one of them had his legs folded in such a way that his FOOT was completely between our seats was our first clue), so we said fuck it and sat all the way near the front, flush right, where we could have our own row. During the film -- which is small and intimate and has thick British accents that are often muffled by the boys lying in bed -- a woman seated near us took -- TOOK!!! -- three phone calls, chatting with someone at a slightly muffled volume as if none of us could hear her because of her courteousness. It's been a week and I'm still in complete shock. Clearly there was no emergency -- her tone made it obvious, as had the fact that she remained in her seat -- so in addition to the phone ringing and her talking, rightfully furious patrons (who had not already seen the picture, mind you) took turns screaming at her -- "Get off the damn phone!," "Hang up that phone RIGHT NOW!" -- all the while the usual amount of phone ringing and texting (you can see the light -- totally takes you "out" of the film) went on, too. Did I mention that I'm still in shock? (kennethinthe212.com)


(Not to hijack my own thread), but it does seem that people have decided they have a God-given right to talk on the phone or light it up in the dark theater as often as they want!

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Guest gcursor

Great post Lucky. I agree. I've actually gotten up and walked out of movies if there are too many "annoyances". On the rare occasions now that I do go to movies, I sit either in the back row of the front section of seas (so nobody is behind me or typically near me) or in the back row on the top section of seats (for the very same reason).


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I agree. I have even gotten into a confrontation myself with one guy who almost ruined a movie for me. Normally, I get up and get the manager to come take care of it. If they don't, I'll get a refund. But, I hate doing that. I much prefer that the theaters block cell phone reception totally. I wish that were implemented in all theaters.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

It all boils down to common courtesy. Unfortunately, it seems like so many people now have no clue what that is. They think that they are entitled to do what they want, when they want to do it and "screw" everyone else..

It's all about ME..

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Guest hitoallusa

Yes. I have experienced that too and I was surprised when my friend answered her phone in the middle of a movie! We get DVDs and watch movies at home. Some people don't get it and surprisingly one of them is my friend. The world is surely changing.

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