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Bullying After Suicide

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So, a gay kid committed suicide because he was bullied by kids at school.

Then, at a school dance the bullies celebrated the fact they were able to get him to kill himself.

"In an appearance on the Today show, Jamey's parents, Tracy and Tim, revealed that bullies were celebrating his death at a dance his sister attended. Tracy says:

"She was having a great time, and all of a sudden a Lady Gaga song came on, and they all started chanting for Jamey, all his friends. Then the bullies that put him into this situation started chanting, ‘You're better off dead!' ‘We're glad you're dead!' and things like that. My daughter came home all upset. It was supposed to be a time for her to grieve and have fun with her friends, and it turned into bullying even after he's gone.''

Tim adds, "I can't grasp it in my mind ... I don't know why anyone would do that. They have no heart, that's basically what it comes down to."


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In a real sense, homo sapiens is self-domesticated. Otherwise we would still be busy whacking out all but 50/60 or so of our nearest and dearest. 100 tops. Seriously, the knack for living together with relatively little violence is one of the main behavioral traits distinguishing us from the other great apes (picture Manhattan inhabited by 2 million chimps). That's at least as important as opposable thumbs and walking upright.

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