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Curb Your Offensiveness

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Am I the only one in America who found this segment on the TV show Curb Your Enthusiasm offensive? EXPAT can bring the clips to you directly, but I am too lazy, I just give you a link to them!

Offensive Young Actor

This kid tries to act "gay" by doing a poor job of being effeminate. The perpetuation of this stereotype is supposed to be funny.

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I have never been a fan of that show. I didn't like Seinfeld either. But I did laugh when I saw this originally. I know they are hyping up stereotypes. But I understand your point.

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I guess I must have a thick skin, I thought the Curb episode was hilarious. I am also a huge Seinfeld fan, I must have seen every episode at least 2 or 3 times. One of the best comedy shows ever! Loved the episode were the girl thought that Jerry and George were gay lovers. Also the scene were Jerry is in a restaurant with a gay guy and another guy comes over and asks the gay guy out, Jerry is upset that the person just assumed that Jerry and the gay guy were not a couple. Hilarious!!

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CTGuy, I have no problem with you seeing this differently than I do, but what is so funny then? The boy has to act effeminate so he will be taken as gay- that's a stereotype, why do some think it is funny to perpetuate that? Why do we find effeminate gay men funny in the first place- at least funny enough to laugh at them?

Beyond that, the kid did not do a very good job!

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I guess I must have a thick skin, I thought the Curb episode was hilarious. I am also a huge Seinfeld fan, I must have seen every episode at least 2 or 3 times.

Me too. The scene did not bother me but I was thinking to myself, "is that me as a child?"

I also loved Seinfeld. Best show ever (comedy after Boston Legal). ^_^

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Guest JamesIvory

I do not recall ever watching the Larry David show. I went to the link you posted and was not offended nor did I find it laugh out loud funny either. At best it was slightly amusing and at least a bad bit with terrible acting all around. The latter is probably why I have zero interest in this program.

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