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Guest JamesIvory

Same Type Relationships?

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Guest JamesIvory

note: By same type relationship I am referring to two tops or two bottoms in love with each other.

I was at a dinner party this weekend and the subject of same type relationships came up. Some felt that they would be able to live happily in one while the other side did not feel it could work over all. The latter group felt that after a while the lack of sexual satisfaction would crumble the couples bond.

Personally I think it would be hard to make this type of relationship work. I'm wondering what others think?

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Guest hitoallusa

If there is true love then I think it will work.

note: By same type relationship I am referring to two tops or two bottoms in love with each other.

I was at a dinner party this weekend and the subject of same type relationships came up. Some felt that they would be able to live happily in one while the other side did not feel it could work over all. The latter group felt that after a while the lack of sexual satisfaction would crumble the couples bond.

Personally I think it would be hard to make this type of relationship work. I'm wondering what others think?

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Guest CharliePS

Love is not dependent on sexual position. Despite romantic bullshit to the contrary, what is most important in a long-lasting relationship is not sexual compatibility, but similar values, tastes, interests, community property, and agreement about who is responsible for walking the dog. Preferred sexual position IS important, however, when hiring an escort or having an affair.

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Guest hitoallusa

Aww that is so sweet.

Love is not dependent on sexual position. Despite romantic bullshit to the contrary, what is most important in a long-lasting relationship is not sexual compatibility, but similar values, tastes, interests, community property, and agreement about who is responsible for walking the dog. Preferred sexual position IS important, however, when hiring an escort or having an affair.

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Guest CharliePS

Love isn't dependent on sexual position, but it would pretty hard for me to have a long term monogamous relationship with a guy who didn't top me and I'm not sure I could get it up to penetrate him because topping doesn't turn me on at all.

What does monogamy have to do with a longterm love relationship?

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I think it is possible to work if sex is not your primary target. Or, let me clarify penetration is not your primary interest. I know of many men who only love oral sex and that is enough for them. Whether top or bottom, they should be able to suck dick. If not, there is a problem.

Sex is not the most important thing in a relationship but it sure does help.

My first LTR was with a Brazilian in NYC. He was the top and I was the bottom for about 6 months. When I found out he had lied to me about something, I never let him top me again. I then became the top and he the bottom. That lasted another 4 years. It was possible for both of us and it became my preference in relationships. But, if the switch had not happened, I don't think either of us would have lasted another 3 months.

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I like that you turned the tables on him and made him your bitch after you caught him lying.

Well, I am versatile. I can fuck any cute guy. But, I can only get fucked by someone I really like and trust. It ain't easy for me. So, it is usually only reserved for guys I really like and know well.

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