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How A Bottom Can Be Bi

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Lucky asked in another thread how a bottom can be bi.

It's simple:

1. With guys I like big strong aggressive guys who are all man. If they were willing to take it up the ass from me or suck my cock it would blow my illusion of them as "more masculine than I am" which is what appeals to me about gay sex - submitting to a stronger male.

2. With girls I don't like them strong or muscular. In the same way that if I'm going to be with a man I want him to be all man, if I'm going to be with a girl I want her to be feminine and submissive and all girl. Otherwise, what's the point? And the idea of a girl with a strap on is visually ridiculous to me - so I'd rather just fuck her face or take her from behind and slap her ass.

In other words, I don't want to do things halfway.

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Well, now that I have learned you are a beer bellied bear, my whole image must shift. Here I had you pictured as a suave, chain-smoking Frenchman, sitting in cafes whistling at the women while casting discreet glances at the young men passing by. But now I picture you driving a truck and swearing out the window at women who move too slowly to cross the street. Then, after work, you gather with your truck driving buddies at the local beer hall to swig away for hours until the overly made up mistress of the place kicks your ass out the door! You head off to home with one of your top buddies, who'll make do until your day off on Sunday, when you get your act together, go to the local church on the tram, and meet up with single ladies at the church social! How's that for an imagination?

Just kidding, of course. At least we know you are not the guy in Oz's picture!

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