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Pat Robertson: The Pussy Evanglist and his latest rational for the recent Earthquake

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Do you ever wonder why so many are turned off by organized religion? Pat Robertson's latest rant on his TV show said that the East Coast Earthquake was because "there are men who get manicures, wear designer eyewear and know about thread counts. God finds this somewhat gay-like behavior confusing, and He responded by getting mildly peeved." Don't you think Pat's God should get pissed at him for being such a frigging bigot and send a tornado to his headquarters?

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Guest hitoallusa

After all God is loving and generous. I don't think God will do that. Most Christians are nice and generous too and not all of them are against gays.

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Organized religion is propped up by the weak minded in my opinion. They want to be lead and the leaders make a very strict interpretation of the bible which by the way are other opinions by man. It's really sad that people follow so easily without much thought.

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