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Guest hitoallusa

July 5th... 75 Online

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Guest hitoallusa

A new record 80 on August 7th. Thank you for coming by. I hope this site can be a comfortable place that you can come and share your life.

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We can have a million on line and it doesn't matter- unless they post, or at least some of them. Just as I said yesterday, people come here and want to see interesting things to read. But lurkers, by definition, don't post anything.For them, it's a one-way street.

I write for the other guys here who actually post. If a lurker likes what I post, honor that by posting something yourself!

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Guest lurkerspeaks

I write for the other guys here who actually post. If a lurker likes what I post, honor that by posting something yourself!

How about if THE lurker likes what you post..????

I want to apologize to "the gang" for my lack of posts in the last few months..Not to reveal too much, but it has been a rather stressful time lately--work related issues, a fairly major car wreck back on May 30th (luckily not seriously hurt, just bad bruising), plus some minor medical/emotional stuff. I still come here several times each day to read and stay on top of things, but my personal motivation/drive to come up with posts has been lacking. I will try to add a little more to the site, but I want to re-iterate what Lucky has said about getting more NEW or OLD people to join in the conversations.

thanks for the ear guys.


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I want to re-iterate what Lucky has said about getting more NEW or OLD people to join in the conversations.

I am doing my best to hold up the OLD folks' side.



When it rains, it pours, lurker. Hang in there & post as the spirit moves you. :console: I, for one, have missed you.

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