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Guest lurkerspeaks

The Glee Project

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Guest lurkerspeaks

For anyone who likes Glee, there is a new reality show on the Oxygen channel called "the Glee Project". It basically is a casting call for new talent for Glee. They started with 12 individuals and each week one person is eliminated. The winner gets a 7 week guest spot on the next year's Glee.

Don't worry. If you do not get the Oxygen Channel, you can watch the episodes on Hulu.... I just started them tonite. Hulu has 4 episodes with one more due in a day or so. I watched the first 2 episodes so far, and will watch the remaining episodes tomorrow.

Great show if you are a Gleek...

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This GLEEK finds the show quite unfortunate. But after all, it is just an entertainment show. Not a def casting search. The winner will end up with some very minor spots. Can anyone say Dijon Talton from Season 1? I believe the producers of GLEE already have a handle on possible replacements. And none of these folks are it. If someone with the talent of Amber Riley was cut from AI, no one from this low-rent troop has a future as permanent cast member. Just sayin'...

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Ok. i have now made it thru the 5 episodes that have already aired. As a lover of reality tv, I do find it interesting to watch as the people and the show develops. The one openly gay character, Alex, makes me think of Jacob Lusk from this seasons American Idol. Lindsey would/could be the perfect sub for Lea Michele's Rachel Berry. Very self-centered, sure of herself. At this point, I am hoping for Samuel or Cameron, but after Cameron's "event" in episode 5, I am not sure if he will make it to the end.

Go to www.hulu.com and watch the music videos they made for episode 5 when they did duets..Some were amazing, while others were ho hum...My favorite was "Don't you want me baby"...

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Guest lurkerspeaks

I am just loving this series. Thanks so much. Can you guess who I have a crush one?

Hint: dreads

me too.. he is my favorite. just loved the duet video he made.... I liked the dorkie Cameron, until he revealed just how religiously Christian he was.... come on now...crying and calling mommie because a girl kissed him?????? How can he expect to be on a show about teenage life if he is THAT sheltered?

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Guest zipperzone

To me, so-called Reality Shows are completely bogus. I believe they are heavily scripted and if not, so heavily edited as to equal scripting. Entertainment for the messes.

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I find it quite disappointing. And I had read news of the Julliard spin-off with anticipation. Real casting could have discovered better talented possibilities than these reality rejects.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

I just finished watching the finale of Glee Project on HULU.. I won't announce the winner in case anyone else has been following and not seen/heard yet. But, for those who have followed and watched the finale, do you agree with the results?

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I just finished watching the finale of Glee Project on HULU.. I won't announce the winner in case anyone else has been following and not seen/heard yet. But, for those who have followed and watched the finale, do you agree with the results?

Yes. :yes: That's all I can say now without giving anything away.

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