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Pilot Gets To Watch Kiddie Porn In Jail

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KMEM, or RA1, seems to be free and walking the streets, so this must not be a story about him! ^_^ (I knew it wasn't!)

A pilot suspected of possessing child porn is in jail, but, since he is acting as his own attorney, he is allowed to review the evidence- over 28 hours of kiddie porn tapes on about 100 tapes! Far from a cruel and unusual punishment, he is merely preparing his case as any other lawyer would. The UPS pilot is proving to the world what brown can do for you!


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I am not walking the streets because I made my monthly mortgage payment. Free is a relative term but I am not presently incarcerated. ^_^

I am somewhat surprised that you read this in that detail. The info was there but I think the thrust of the story was allowing a prisoner to have access to this filth because he was representing himself. I am sure the old saw will be correct in that he has a fool for a client.

This pilot likes young men but not THAT young.

Best regards,


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