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Guest gcursor

Today's question

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Guest gcursor

Once I went to Oklahoma City to do some computer training for a company I worked for. During one of the breaks, I was talking to a man sitting in the front row. He said, "Do you enjoy your job?" and I said, "Yes..or else I wouldn't be doing it." and I said "Do you enjoy yours?" and he replied "No but we all do things we have to do to pay the bills"

which leads me to this question....

DO YOU ENJOY YOUR JOB or is it just a means to an end (i.e. money to pay bills)?

WOULD you do it if you were paid nothing at all?

WHAT WOULD you do if you could do anything in the world?


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Great question. Wow. Really interesting.

I do love my job and I enjoy it. When I was a young kid, my minister told me to do what you love and the money will follow. He said people that love their job tend to be successful in it and then they move up fast and make money.

I don't think he thought I'd be a porn guy, but hey, it was 35 years ago! ;)

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Guest gcursor

Thank you TotallyOz..I'm just trying to get people participating in the board is all.


Great question. Wow. Really interesting.

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Guest CharliePS

Although I am retired, I did a job I loved for 35 years. Before that, I left a career that would have paid me much more if I had stuck with it, because I couldn't face a life doing something I didn't enjoy, just for the money. I still work parttime doing related work, even though my pay has been steadily reduced, because I need to use my professional skills to feel alive and relevant.

However, if I could choose any job, it would be as a fluffer.

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Guest gcursor

Do they even still have fluffers nowadays?


Although I am retired, I did a job I loved for 35 years. Before that, I left a career that would have paid me much more if I had stuck with it, because I couldn't face a life doing something I didn't enjoy, just for the money. I still work parttime doing related work, even though my pay has been steadily reduced, because I need to use my professional skills to feel alive and relevant.

However, if I could choose any job, it would be as a fluffer.

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I worked for quite some time without pay as a pilot. That is commonly regarded as a "learning experience" or acquiring hours, the same thing. I loved it then and still do today. As many pilots say today, I get to do what I love doing AND I get paid. Wow. Another saying is, what, leave aviation and get a "real" job; no way. ^_^

As I have said before, aviation is not a career, a job, a hobby or avocation; it is simply a disease with no cure. ^_^

I have no intention of retiring and, likely, they will carry me out of a plane in a pine box BUT with the passengers all OK. ^_^

Best regards,


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Guest epigonos

I absolutely LOVE this question.

I taught high school in a suburban Los Angeles school district for thirty-six wonderful years. I loved every minute I spent with the kids. They were never dull, boring or uninteresting. I never knew, from one minute to the next, what they were going to do or say. It was always exciting, exhilarating and challenging. Sometimes I wanted to wring their necks BUT damn it was fun.

As I look back on my life I realize how fortunate I was to wake up each and every morning looking forward to the day ahead. If I had my life to live over again I would do exactly the same thing, in exactly the same place with exactly the same students, parents and administrators. Now I can’t say the same for some of my teacher-colleagues as some of them genuinely appeared to dislike high school kids. Why people spend a life time in occupations or careers they don’t like is unimaginable and unfathomable to me.

I have now been retired for nine years and love my current life style BUT to be honest I do miss the kids. Each spring I return to a local high school and spend six weeks setting-up their testing schedule. They pay me peanuts but it is so exciting and fun to be around high school age kids again.

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