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Guest gcursor

OH NO..it's out of control

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Guest gcursor

THIS posting is purely meant for entertainment purposes only...

In news today, the U.S. government has revealed that they no longer know what the Hell they are doing to the country. Says one anonymous source, "Well I think we had some good ideas..about 200 years ago. Now we're just trying to run the damned nation as far into the ground as we can...somebody else can fix it." This backs up a national survey that asked U.S. citizens, "Do you think the government knows what they are doing?" to which the majority voted for, "I have no friggin' idea but HEY..it sure makes life interesting!" One former President stated, "Yep..I had lots of plans for the country. Wrote them all down on yellow POST-IT notes. Would've done them too except some damned staffer came in and cleaned my office while I was out and I couldn't remember most of the stuff I wrote down so I gave up."

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