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Guest lurkerspeaks

My bitch of the day

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Why do so many people put ads up on Craigslist or backpage, etc., but then they never reply when you respond to their ad? It seems harder and harder to find anything worthwhile (here in Phoenix anyway) from the ads on these two places.

I have responded to three different ads in 24 hours, not one replied back.. And yes, I fit the "criteria" posted in each ad...

Just my gripe for the day

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All together now: Craigslist = Flakes.

Old topic, I know. But every time I've pursued somebody on CL, either they don't answer, or they answer, then flake out some other way. Like not showing up, or not answering when I get to their place, or turning out to be a weirdo in person.

Of course I understand the M4RN/Rentboy/etc. pickin's where you are may be slim. And nothing ventured...

One thing I find is that if there's a phone number, that always seems to work better than email. Especially with the non-pro-types likely to use CL.

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Again, I'll provide the counterpoint of saying I've had pretty good luck. Damn good lately, actually, several hot young guys *for free* who are local to me.

But you have to be the active participant. I usually post, and the more creative (and explicit) your post the more interest you'll attract. Don't write a full-length single-spaced page but do mention fetishes and fantasies...

Yes, you will get some flakes and some time wasters. But (in a decent-sized city anyway) you also will eventually get lucky!

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Here in Phoenix, we have some very vigilant Flag police.. Any mention of "generous", "donation", "roses", "spoil" etc will generally be flagged and removed within minutes of being posted. Can you share some "code words" you have used that get passed the "flag censors" in your area? Thanks

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We have plenty of the flaginistas here in LA too. A mention of willing to be gen often gets through. Or helping a guy out.

But I've done surprisingly well without paying too.

Oh, and here's a search

I use, change the beginning to that for your city, maybe it'll help you find one of the few working guys who persist on CL despite the legions of people with nothing better to do.

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