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The Tree of Life Movie

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The new Terence Malick movie The Tree of Life is only showing in the cities that are important to the country right now, so I haven't seen it. I did see an article wondering if it were too boring to sit through. Has anyone here seen it? Would it not be worth seeing just to gaze longingly at Brad Pitt?


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Guest BeachBoy

Remember when Braddyboy looked like that? Hoo-WEE. I think his acting has gotten better, but nothing beats Thelma-and-Louise-era Brad.

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I saw The Tree of Life today, and sat through all 2:18 of it. Parts of it are pretentious, pompous, preposterous- take your pick.

In his NY Times review, A.O. Scott, who otherwise liked the movie, concludes:

"But the imagination lives by risk, including the risk of incomprehension. Do all the parts of “The Tree of Life” cohere? Does it all make sense? I can’t say that it does. I suspect, though, that sometime between now and Judgment Day it will."

So maybe I will change my mind on Judgment Day, but for now I cannot recommend this movie. I did like the parts where Malick stuck with the O'Brien family. How he worked a dinosaur into that escapes me.

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My friend may have liked the Green Lantern movie, but the bf and I did not. The 3-D was the cheapest I have seen yet. Ryan is not right for this part, although still adorable. But the movie looked cheap and did not have a lot of intelligence in its planning.

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I haven't become a fan of 3D yet. Saw Polar Express way back when. Saw Avitar and maybe one or two others. My Theatre has a non 3D print option and that's how I plan to see Green Lantern.

Why not just wait for it to come out in black and white?

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