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Lisa Lampanelli

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After hearing that the Westboro Baptist Church wanted to picket last night's show, comedian Lisa Lampanelli said that for every person who showed up to protest, she would donate $1,000 to charity Gay Men's Health Crisis, "the nation's oldest HIV/AIDS prevention, treatment and care services provider":

Lisa tells TMZ, "It's gonna be hilarious to write out the checks to the GMHC and have them send thank you notes to the WBC for their 'generous contributions.'"

"I'd love to see their inbred faces when they open those thank you notes! Hopefully their jaws will drop so fast that their three remaining teeth and cro-magnon foreheads will plummet to the floor."


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Guest BeachBoy

You know, usually I don't like when people get personal in their attacks - but with the WBC, they fucking deserve it. They are the worst of the worst.

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Guest zipperzone

You know, usually I don't like when people get personal in their attacks - but with the WBC, they fucking deserve it. They are the worst of the worst.

What's wrong with "getting personal" in attacks? If people don't have the balls to get personal maybe they should just shut the fuck up :excl: :excl:

(Not directed at BeachBoy - just a general observation)

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