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Royal Wedding Gifts

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If you were a guest at the royal wedding what would you have given the couple as a wedding gift?

Personally, I'd have provided a year's supply of Rogaine.

Good gift. I could not believe this handsome young man with so little hair. Sad IMHO.

If I could, I'd give them privacy to to raise a family. I think they have something special that can grow if they are left alone.

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One year's supply of Rogaine will not be nearly enough, sorry to say. A chance to rear their children out of the public eye is also not on the agendum. Being able to rear them as substantial, caring and responsible adults will also be difficult but not impossible, depending upon the activity and persevearance of the parents. Wealthy kids have a distinct disadvantage and those who are also very much public figures, even more so.

Sucessful children are partly the result of genes and environment. I only wish them well and also to the parents.

Best regards,


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Guest hitoallusa

I believe Prince William is hot with or without hair!

Good gift. I could not believe this handsome young man with so little hair. Sad IMHO.

If I could, I'd give them privacy to to raise a family. I think they have something special that can grow if they are left alone.

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