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Guest twinklover

Stream of Consciousness

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Guest twinklover

Let me begin with this, we saw "A Single Man" and we were quite captivated by Colin Firth, Tom Ford and then we moved to Christopher and His Kind and we're trying to track down Chris & Don: A Love Story. I feel like a rube for ignoring these titles.

Second, I met with AJ Irons tonight. It was a "real connection", except unlike the "A Single Man" movie, this real connection was consummated. I'll post more on the review and Deli boards. Yes, he gets better, more defined, bigger load, increasingly sexual, over time. This is one time the "community" has helped make a star even brighter, unless he did this all, despite the "community."

My third random thought goes out to the beautiful young performers of "Were the World Mine." An amazing movie! A young gay friend insisted that I watch it. A few glasses of wine helped. But beautiful, inspiring, and every bit as intriguing as a Midsummer's Night Dream.

My final random thought goes out to the past. I saw Trey Thurston (retired, I believe) featured on the home page of this acclaimed site. The discussions that ensued with young and old, even with AJ Irons, of all people, who has never met him, demonstrates conclusively that some people's reputations precede them. TT, AJ, and more than a few posters on this site are living proof of this axiom.

Happy Easter everyone!

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Guest jimboivyo

singleman was good. Colin firth deserved the award that year too, I thought.

the community might be in love now, but be careful not to give them too much credit. they do enough patting of their own backs without needing more. the only thing the guys at daddys love more than a good escort is one they can find a way to eventually tear into. some things never change.

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Guest BeachBoy

singleman was good. Colin firth deserved the award that year too, I thought.

the community might be in love now, but be careful not to give them too much credit. they do enough patting of their own backs without needing more. the only thing the guys at daddys love more than a good escort is one they can find a way to eventually tear into. some things never change.

I don't feel like it's like that over here, though. There's a real lack of cattiness. Gentlemen one and all.

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Guest zipperzone

I don't feel like it's like that over here, though. There's a real lack of cattiness. Gentlemen one and all.

Sometimes too much so. A little cat fight can be interesting if it doesn't happen too often. Remember Crystal & Alexis in the pool, in Dynasty?

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Stream of consciousness. I broke a fingernail and they gave me a certificate for medical marijuana. I broke another fingernail and got a handicap sticker for my car. I drove the car stoned and ended up handicapped. See the danger of giving things out like candy?

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Guest twinklover

Lucky, I'm working on benefits, but even the lawyers don't know,

what may or may not be available. But let me say this, stream of

potpourri or whatever, the boys this last weekend are all very flattering

about you, OZ and all things MER in Palm Springs. If Oliver will have me,

I wish to join you next year.

To all you others: Make your move right now. Everyone. Leave a site, I know it's hard,

leave that site, that is simply behind the times and, yes, it's coming, dead for all

the world, and already totally irrelevant, manipulated, and an old eye-sore.

Be real: Hooboy would not approve of the hijacking of his idea and his site.

So leave and never go back and tell us all you have done so. I will never post there

again. I rarely even look at the bullshit content.

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