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Red States Kill Gay Teens

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New study shows that gay teens in Republican states are 20 percent more likely to try to kill themselves than gay teens in liberal states.

You know we hear a lot about the gay agenda, but really, for me it's simple "My agenda is to have an entire country where teenagers don't feel like they have to kill themselves because of who they want to knock boots with."


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Would a camp for gay kids be okay? They could learn from each other and from their counselors, engage in wholesome activities to become comfortable with their identity...oops, unless it was a camp in Malaysia, where effeminate boys are sent to learn how to butch it up:


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How do you guys find the time to read this crap? Regardless of whether it is factual or not, it is still crap. OK, let's assume it isn't. Then the Muslims and the right wing Christians are going to, in concert, eliminate all of US. Being in a blue state or a red state will not matter. We are all doomed.

Question: Do you think the right wing in the US is more likely to be persuaded to give some tolerance to gays or the Muslims?

Your turn.

Best regards,


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