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Was Richard Hatch Fired because he was gay?

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I think Donald is catering to the right wing nuts at the Republican Party and with all the BS about the Birther movement he is now bring into play, I wonder if this week's firing of Richard Hatch was to preserve his image as part of that movement?

I don't care for Richard's personality. But, he is intelligent and he did not deserve to be fired this week. There were at least 2 others that should have bitten the dust before him.

Do you think Donald is making decisions for his show based on this potential run for the Presidency?

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Guest hitoallusa

I think the show is scripted and those with strong personalities are kept in the show to make more dramatic scenes through out the season. Omarosa was one of them in Season 1. I think Donald is going to be knocked out during the presidential primaries if he ever runs.

I think Donald is catering to the right wing nuts at the Republican Party and with all the BS about the Birther movement he is now bring into play, I wonder if this week's firing of Richard Hatch was to preserve his image as part of that movement?

I don't care for Richard's personality. But, he is intelligent and he did not deserve to be fired this week. There were at least 2 others that should have bitten the dust before him.

Do you think Donald is making decisions for his show based on this potential run for the Presidency?

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Guest zipperzone

I think the show is scripted and those with strong personalities are kept in the show to make more dramatic scenes through out the season. Omarosa was one of them in Season 1. I think Donald is going to be knocked out during the presidential primaries if he ever runs.

I agree with your interpretation re strong personalities.

I don't think THE DONALD as any intention to run for President. Its just one more way this ego-maniac draws attention to himself. IF he was ever to become President - can you see this man putting all his business interests into a blind trust? Never in a million........ :frantics: :frantics: :frantics:

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Guest dicknla

I agree with your interpretation re strong personalities.

I don't think THE DONALD as any intention to run for President. Its just one more way this ego-maniac draws attention to himself. IF he was ever to become President - can you see this man putting all his business interests into a blind trust? Never in a million........ :frantics: :frantics: :frantics:

Ratings are more important to THE DONALD than firing the correct person. I don't think he liked Richard from the beginning and was looking for a way to fire him. Gary Busey is totally out there but he is good for TV and it would hurt the rating to get rid of him. I don't think anybody will miss Richard and I don't think Trump cared either way that he was gay.

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