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Guest hitoallusa

Promise is promise

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Guest zipperzone

Daddy coming in here is like when silly girls go to gay bars and "Squee!" every time two dudes make out.

You know, how at times like that you just wish the pussy would go away?

I don't care if this pussy goes away or not. If he stays and continues to post, all he will accomplish is enforcing my opinion that he is a complete idiot and quite possibly a lonely old man who has never been able to figure out why he finds himself in those circumstances. He probably drools & farts a lot :yawn:

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Guest hitoallusa

Well at least he says what he is in his mind in front of you. I can give him some credit for doing that. Time will take care of everything.

I don't care if this pussy goes away or not. If he stays and continues to post, all he will accomplish is enforcing my opinion that he is a complete idiot and quite possibly a lonely old man who has never been able to figure out why he finds himself in those circumstances. He probably drools & farts a lot :yawn:

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