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Happy Birthday, CharliePS

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Well, I had to read about it on another website, but I did learn that today is CharliePS' birthday. I guess I should have known since he told me just yesterday, but being now in the senior moment section of life, I need reminders! So happy birthday, Charlie. I hope it is a great one and that you will be given many well-wishes.

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I sent BD wishes on the "other" site but now realize you are a BD boy on St. Pat's day + one. Any significance to that? Are you green with envy or for any other reason? Just kidding.

Personally, I avoid any "celebrations" of the anniversary of my BD but, unfortunately, remember it myself each and every year; however, the alternative is not on my list of things to do anytime soon. ^_^

Best regards,


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Happy Birthday Charlie, and many happy returns. :sorcerer:

At our age a birthday is a happy event given the alternative. And for me, even though I felt I was knowledgable and mature at 17, and at 30 and at 50, I realize that with the continued accumlation of life experience and observations, I continue to gain perspective that I was missing at those younger ages.

That's the positive part of advancing age. We'll overlook the less positive aspects on this happy day. :rolleyes:

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