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Important Notice

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For some time now, the last 3 MER forums, on Health, Comments, and the Sandbox, all end with posts from Lucky. Could you all rectify this situation by adding a comment of your own? We don't want outsiders to think that Lucky gets the last word here, do we?

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Guest zipperzone

For some time now, the last 3 MER forums, on Health, Comments, and the Sandbox, all end with posts from Lucky. Could you all rectify this situation by adding a comment of your own? We don't want outsiders to think that Lucky gets the last word here, do we?

I thought it was because you're on the payroll. I hope you declare your earnings to Uncle Sam :rolleyes:

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This IMPORTANT NOTICE was posted a week ago. Nothing has come of it since then, Why is that? Has no one lost any weight? has no one any technical issues? Is no one so ornery that they cannot create a thread destined for the sandbox?

C'mon guys, at least lose some weight!

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