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Anyone watching this season of American Idol?

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Who is watching this season of American Idol?

I am.

I like Jennifer Lopez on the show and the chemistry between the judges seems much better so far than in past seasons.

I have not seen any fantastic talent jumping out at me but I hope that I will soon! ^_^

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I've lost interest. I'll pick it up when they are down to the top 20. But I'm more interested in watching "X-Factor" in the Fall. That will have all the buzz. This show is tired and ready to be shelved.

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Guest zipperzone

I watched the 1st hour of the 1st show, more out of curiosity than anything else. It bored the shit out of me. I'm not interested in watching a dope ravaged has-been going yada yada yada and I'm tired of listening to Jackson murder the English language. Without Simon the show is nothing but I will miss Seacrest, but not enough to sit through the other crap.

In case anyone is still wondering, I didn't like it. :frantics:

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