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Amazing Suicide Note

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Not that death is ruling my day, but this article bout the death by suicide of a 27 year old computer programmer who was raised in a fundamentalist christian family and sexually raped for years fascinates, mostly because of the calm explanation he gives in a lengthy suicide note of what it is like to be haunted for the rest of your life by the horrors of the sexual injustice perpetrated on him:


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I really don't know what to make of this note. I am appalled by the circumstances delineated. I hate to lose an intelligent young man, gay or straight. I find it very difficult to assess whether this was a mental defect or an environmental one. I don't mean to be cruel. I just don't know.

Best regards,


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As I said in the other thread, this note really made me want to really evaluate those people close to me and maybe not so close to me to see what signs I may be missing of internal suffering. Everyone has secrets and sometimes we don't want to get close enough to people.

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