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The New MySpace

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MySpace just revamped its entire site. I really like it and think it is a drastic improvement. I haven't spent much time there over the past few years as Facebook took all my extra time. But, I'm willing to go back to MySpace to see what other improvements they are going to make.



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Guest FourAces

MySpace just revamped its entire site. I really like it and think it is a drastic improvement. I haven't spent much time there over the past few years as Facebook took all my extra time. But, I'm willing to go back to MySpace to see what other improvements they are going to make.



I have basically stopped visiting MySpace. It really has become a wasteland in my opinion. It is probably too late for MySpace to recapture their lost audience.

They can possibly care out a niche in entertainment, especially music, since they have their own label. But I do not see enough in the introduction video that will cause a huge migration back.

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