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Simpson's Episode Stops Nuclear Attack

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Not only was the 9-11 attack on the WTC predicted in an episode of the Simpsons, so was a false flag nuclear attack last Saturday. A false flag attack is one perpetrated by a cadre in the US government in order to further their right wing causes and the sales of arms. However, now wise to the Simpsons, this last attack was stymied in the nick of time by devoted patriots.

Think I'm joking? It's all here in the New York Observer,a respected newspaper. Check it out. The first video is also included in the second, longer but interesting, video.


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"Of course there's another explanation: that this is all part of an even wider conspiracy...a viral-video false-flag maneuver designed to give conspiracy theorists themselves a bad name."

Clearly the whole rogue op is modeled after the hughly successful government cover-up of it's nefarious UFO project at Roswell, New Mexico.

Lucky, my failure to comment was intentional. :angry: I am disappointed that you saw fit to assist these scumbags in their efforts to discredit a valiant patriotic attempt to slip a hint of the truth into Fox's programming.

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