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Big Mac Approach to Tips

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I travel quite a bit and am always fascinated with the amount of money that local boys make per hour. It differs greatly around the world.

If you use a Big Mac Meal as a base of calculations, I find some interesting numbers.

In NYC, the average cost of a Big Mac meal is around 6 dollars. The cost of an average escort in NYC is 40 Big Mac meals. The average tip is around 9 Big Mac Meals.

In Brazil, the cost of a Big Mac meal is 13.50R. The cost for an hour (short time) for a sauna boy is 3.5 Big Mac Meals. The average tip is around 1 Big Mac Meal (if he is lucky).

I do normally tip most boys a few Big Mac meals no matter where I am. The result of the money they receive is the same no matter when they live.

Sorry to bore you all with my Big Mac facts. Please feel free to dispute the numbers.

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I travel quite a bit and am always fascinated with the amount of money that local boys make per hour. It differs greatly around the world.

If you use a Big Mac Meal as a base of calculations, I find some interesting numbers.

In NYC, the average cost of a Big Mac meal is around 6 dollars. The cost of an average escort in NYC is 40 Big Mac meals. The average tip is around 9 Big Mac Meals.

In Brazil, the cost of a Big Mac meal is 13.50R. The cost for an hour (short time) for a sauna boy is 3.5 Big Mac Meals. The average tip is around 1 Big Mac Meal (if he is lucky).

I do normally tip most boys a few Big Mac meals no matter where I am. The result of the money they receive is the same no matter when they live.

Not boring at all, very interesting topic! I don't travel nearly enough and I'm likewise fascinated by regional rates. Legality, availability, competition and cost of living all factor in but there doesn't seem to be any direct correlation (or predictability...)

Damn, so only $50/hour? Do you get full service in the saunas? Any BFE? How about taking a rentboy to one of those "sex motels", similar price / activities?

I'm not so sure I'm a good fit for Brazil, I totally prefer a "full spectrum" encounter, I don't much like those "blow and go" sauna sessions I've found elsewhere. Europe worked out quite well for me, Canada has been my favorite rentboy country though, maybe I was just lucky but the selection was incredible, the guys reasonably priced and completely accommodating. That's what legality and competition will do for you.

What's your favorite rentboy country, if you don't mind me asking? I'm still considering travel options for next year.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

I thought I would chime in with my limited experience...GO TO BRAZIL......

In Rio saunas, you get approx 45minutes to an hour at the rate of approx R60, which is about $35 US currency.. For that, you get basically whatever you and your "boy" agree upon. It can be a session of hard pounding, or it can be a soft, gentle, romantic time. One thing about Brazilian guys (from my experience) is that kissing is almost always a given.. They are very passionate people,and even those who are total tops will be very much into kissing. My understanding is the going rate for overnites would be R100-R150, which would be $60-$90 US dollars...And that will usually be from about 10pm, until 10am, give or take

My travel friend gives me a hard time because when we are in Montreal, I always try to compare what I am getting to what I would get in Rio...ie two backroom dances in montreal, (which is about 8 minutes of touching, and maybe a little oral) costs the same as a programma in the Rio Saunas of full sex. When I find a Montreal dancer that I like and end up doing 5 or 6 songs (totaling 20 minutes or so), I could have had an overnite in Rio...

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I thought I would chime in with my limited experience...GO TO BRAZIL......

In Rio saunas, you get approx 45minutes to an hour at the rate of approx R60, which is about $35 US currency.. For that, you get basically whatever you and your "boy" agree upon. It can be a session of hard pounding, or it can be a soft, gentle, romantic time. One thing about Brazilian guys (from my experience) is that kissing is almost always a given.. They are very passionate people,and even those who are total tops will be very much into kissing. My understanding is the going rate for overnites would be R100-R150, which would be $60-$90 US dollars...And that will usually be from about 10pm, until 10am, give or take

My travel friend gives me a hard time because when we are in Montreal, I always try to compare what I am getting to what I would get in Rio...ie two backroom dances in montreal, (which is about 8 minutes of touching, and maybe a little oral) costs the same as a programma in the Rio Saunas of full sex. When I find a Montreal dancer that I like and end up doing 5 or 6 songs (totaling 20 minutes or so), I could have had an overnite in Rio...

Sounds pretty awesome especially the always kissing part, thanks for the details! Kind of like a rentboy utopia. Do the guys generally speak English or do you need a translator/guide? So January is mid-summer there, is that a good time to go or what do you consider the best time of year to visit?

You always go for saunas rather than "sex motels" just because it's more economical or for other reasons? Are the rooms tiny and are they decent enough for an overnight?

The lap dancing habit gets pretty expensive in Canada (& most other places), I'd rather we quickly retire to my room and get on to the good stuff.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

Rio saunas are not 24 hour establishments.. The rooms there are for "short time" sessions of an hour or so.. I do not personally have any experience with the "love motels", but my understanding is that they are more for short time encounters as well. In Rio, all visitors to hotels must register at the front desk, showing thier Government issued ID..The general consensus is that it is ok to bring a sauna boy back to your hotel because he works at the sauna. .They have records of him as well as the front desk of your hotel. The boys will not want to risk a good thing working at the saunas by causing trouble with clients..That being said, I still would not bring a sauna boy back to my hotel and leave him alone in the room or leave any type of valuables out in the open. Remove all temptation..

The rooms at the saunas can vary from location to location.. They are usually what I would compare to the various sized rooms available at most bathhouses. Some are very spartan with nothing but a small bed and tv showing porn. Others might have mirrored walls, private bathroom, etc...Several saunas even have various types to choose from..

The vast majority of the boys in the saunas speak little to no english.. I speak no portuguese, although I do have a pretty good grasp of Spanish. I was lucky enough to have my travel friend with me when I went and he had been to Rio several times before, plus he spoke a little bit of Portuguese. That being said, I would definitely recommend a guide for your first time visit if you have no experience, if that is a viable option for you... But, it can be done successfully by yourself if you do your homework...ie read all you can here, at Daddys, and at Gaytravelbrazil. One good thing to remember is that while numbers may sound different there, they are writen the same way, so it is always good to write down or "draw" the amount you want to pay so there is no confusion..

Time of year.. remember that Rio is on the ocean, so summer will be very hot and sticky..My two visits have both been in November, which is their late spring..Nice warm weather, but not as hot as it will get within a few months..

One thing to remember about "getting on to the good stuff" in the saunas, most if not all of the boys (or at least the "good" ones) will sit with you in the saunas lounge area, chatting, kissing, and offering a "peek" or two or three of the goods..so where in Montreal you get a preview of the boys while they perform on stage, in Rio you get your preview in the lounge, usually with as much interaction there as the first one or two private dances in Montreal..

Hope this helps.. if you have any more questions, feel free to post here or pvt me, and I will answer all I can. Of course if you post publicly, you can hopefully get input for the unofficial ambassador to Rio, Tomcal...

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If you use a Big Mac Meal as a base of calculations... Please feel free to dispute the numbers.

I'm not disputing the numbers and I find it very interesting. But, what happens if you compare it to a Happy Meal?? Some of my guys don't have a BIG Mac. :P

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I like your thinking but not necessarily your math. I am hoping that you are not paying $8.37 USD for a pint of beer. $837 for your rent would depend upon many things. ^_^

Having a $2 drink right now in your honor. ^_^

Best regards,


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Five or six euros is pretty standard for a pint of beer in Southern France.

I actually pay less than that overall because the bar owner is a good friend of mine and I do some marketing work for the bar and/or help him bust heads whenever an 18 or 19 year old dude thinks that sticking his hand down the blouse of a random girl he's just met is a proper courting method.

So, on a lot of nights he gives me the "staff rate" of four euros a pint and/or four 33 ounce Carlsbergs for 12 euros, (as opposed to the regular price of 4.5 euros per Carlsberg.)

My one bedroom apartment is 60 square meters in the best neighborhood in town.

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Thanks for the clarification. In the US, 33+ liquid ounces is a liter which we all know is just slightly more than a US quart. Therefore I like your price of about $6 USD for a quart a lot better than $8 for a pint (before the staff discount). I also realize that in many places a pint is a generic term for a glass of beer.

My $2 glass of Canadian whiskey + Diet Coke may be cheaper but the company at the bar may be better. ^_^

Best regards,


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Actually I am comparing apples to oranges. I buy VO whiskey for about $27 USD for 1.75 liters or litres. So, 2 ounces of whiskey + 2-3 ounces of Diet Coke would be slightly more than 2 USD. But, that is as priced and mixed in my home, not at a bar.

Here in Memphis,TN there are bars that sell 12 ounce bottles of beer for $2 or even $1 during happy hour. That would be domestic beer such as Budweiser or the like. More for any "real" beer. ^_^

Some of my Swiss friends have often called US beer such as Coors, Colorado Kool Aid and ditto for other US beers. I have to agree. Not only is the alcohol content much less in US beers but there is little to no "character" to most of them.

So, I have made "fun" of your beer and stated situation but only as a side issue. I am sure your bar has many friendly folks who are regulars and the beer is outstanding and the prices reasonable (by comparison) and especially so if you get the staff discount. ^_^

Best regards,


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Guest NeedSome

Not sure I fully agree but a interesting analogy.

First time I'm reading this thread. I do too much math at work to try and think about big macs and alcohol benchmarks for hiring. Plus I don't eat fast food and have at most 1 drink a month. But I do know this - I want to bring Luther to Brazil with me to act as my guide.

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Guest lurkerspeaks

First time I'm reading this thread. I do too much math at work to try and think about big macs and alcohol benchmarks for hiring. Plus I don't eat fast food and have at most 1 drink a month. But I do know this - I want to bring Luther to Brazil with me to act as my guide.

Not sure why, but you are the second or third person who mistakenly thought my screen name was Luther..It is LURKER... because I lurked on the sites for over a year before finally joining in on the conversations....

If you need any further temptation to visit Rio, the picture that I use as my avatar is a boy I met on my first visit to Rio in 2008. I snapped that shot as he napped in my hotel bed..

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Guest NeedSome

Not sure why, but you are the second or third person who mistakenly thought my screen name was Luther..It is LURKER... because I lurked on the sites for over a year before finally joining in on the conversations....

If you need any further temptation to visit Rio, the picture that I use as my avatar is a boy I met on my first visit to Rio in 2008. I snapped that shot as he napped in my hotel bed..

Oops. Sorry about that. But honestly, a little excommunication can be hot now and again.

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