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Oz, is this a different shot of the same escort (2nd from left on row of 4) on most of the old MER mock-ups you posted on another thread? The face and nips blurr just a tad too much for me to be able to tell when I zoom the pic.


And as long as we are on the subject ( <_< ):

Who are the escorts featured in rotation on the intro page? One, of course, is instantly recognizable even to me but the identities of the rest are a mystery. I've been curious about the guy yall carried over from the prior design ever since I first started lurking here but the others are intriguing too.

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Oz, is this a different shot of the same escort (2nd from left on row of 4) on most of the old MER mock-ups you posted on another thread? The face and nips blurr just a tad too much for me to be able to tell when I zoom the pic.


And as long as we are on the subject ( <_< ):

Who are the escorts featured in rotation on the intro page? One, of course, is instantly recognizable even to me but the identities of the rest are a mystery. I've been curious about the guy yall carried over from the prior design ever since I first started lurking here but the others are intriguing too.

That is the same guy in both shots.

The intro page of this website is rotated with Stefan Lacoste, Kevin from Montreal / Thailand, Jonny from Montreal. I have met all of these guys.

There are 3 others that I have not met and I'll need some help with names as they were guys that were very hot and sexy and we wanted them on that page. They all have profiles or reviews on this site.

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