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Guest zipperzone

There's Something About a Bathrobe

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Guest zipperzone

Here is a bathrobe boy for you from my hotel in Sao Paulo. His name was Christian. He spent a nice weekend with me a few years back.

Very Nice. Is that a wedding ring he's wearing?

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Pic # 1 - Nice curtains.

Yeah, this guy was amazing sex. He was horny 24/7. Funny story.

I was at Corijunaha's one night and was talking with some friends. One of the friends was a lady from NYC. We were talking about the boys across the street and I said, "someone would have to be nuts to take a guy from here. It is dangerous and you never know if they will kill you or rob you. I would NEVER take anyone from here."

About that time the boy in this photo showed up with a baseball cap and I fell in love. I walked over to him and in less than 30 seconds I said, "hey do you want to go to my hotel?". He agreed and I said my goodbyes to my friends. The lady said, "what were you just saying?" to which I replied "there is an exception to every rule." ;)

The boy stayed with me for about 2 weeks. When I left Rio, I left him enough money for the 2 months I would be away so he would not have to work unless he wanted to work. I went with him to deposit the money in the bank.

About a week after I got back to USA, he called and said the money was stolen to which I replied, "did they steal the entire bank as well?" as I think he forgot I went him to deposit the money.

I said hasta lavista on this boy as I knew he was a druggie at this point and when I go to Rio, I'll still see him for a night or two as I really enjoy his company but would never take him as a lover.

About two years later, he went with me to Carnival and the Scala Gay. I had a blast with him as friends only. Here are 3 pics from that night and one from Carnival Sambadome the year before.

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