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Guest Conway

Your Last Wish

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You're on death row. Your execution is happening tomorrow morning and a very compassionate judge has granted you an overnight with one escort as your last request. Who would it be?

For me, it's a no brainer. It would be the now retired River of Chicago. With his boyish good looks, innocence that one doesn't expect to find in an escort, and his passion for what he does, he top my list of boys I'd want to top before I met life's cruel fate.

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You're on death row. Your execution is happening tomorrow morning and a very compassionate judge has granted you an overnight with one escort as your last request. Who would it be?

As one who has witnessed a last breath to final rest up close and personal, I find your question unfortunate and equally unsettling to me.

I would hope that I would have already created a greater meaning and exegesis of my life before-hand to guide those who loved me as what to do during such a difficult time in my life. Whether my death were to be taken by the state executioner or by that of natural cause.

An escort, for sex, or anyone, for that matter, would never be of any consideration to those asking me such death process type queries.

A question such as this, I hope, will never really be of any real value to anyone. But that's just me and how I view end of life realities and struggles, such as I have witnessed. They don't exist. At least to me.

Now on the other hand had you simply stated as your premise - If I were to suddenly and unexpectedly die tomorrow...Who might you want to see, and what might you want to do - I could get jiggy with that. :D

Call me a wet blanket to the Ralph Wood death party but your premise just took me here like whiplash does to a bad car accident.

I guess I'm just really edgy lately.


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I'm sorry. I really didn't intend to offend anyone.

So, in your case, let's say that you're going on a one year 'round the world cruise tomorrow and your Aunt Matilda (the one who never married and played rugby well into her late 30s) offered to buy you a boy before you left.

Ralph is an intriguing choice. But, never having been with him, I'm not sure he would be on this big ol top's list.

Sorry again if I offended you.

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I'm sorry. I really didn't intend to offend anyone.

So, in your case, let's say that you're going on a one year 'round the world cruise tomorrow and your Aunt Matilda (the one who never married and played rugby well into her late 30s) offered to buy you a boy before you left.

Ralph is an intriguing choice. But, never having been with him, I'm not sure he would be on this big ol top's list.

Sorry again if I offended you.

I never take offense to people who never really do identify with those of whom they have offended except with a variation of what they would not have been offended by in the beginning - In their opinion.

Therefore, in my case, you still have no valid question before me.

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If I could be with one escort for the last time, I wold choose Raul G Manzo. I could have options of a quite BFE experience or go totally wild with BDSM activities....I like the choice or maybe get some of both.

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I just hate the fact that I was so focused on one faction of (my) life, and that (that) one faction is obviously one that most others don't see or view as important in their lives.

I can be a whore in bed with the very best of men, but as my bedding activities do not define me as a man, I struggle with exactly how that defines me as being a partner.

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I'm distressed that the hosting company I found to post my avatar pic in the forum a few weeks back has been suspended and shut down. :angry:

So, it's attachments going forward until I can find a new hosting site for adult pics.

Anyway, there's always been something about Brad Pattons eyes, so I would have him a top my list.

post-122861-085773800 1285858653_thumb.j

But then my new boyfriend might get jealous

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So, I'll just take these two and be on my way....for now.

post-122861-070106500 1285859178_thumb.j

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I never take offense to people who never really do identify with those of whom they have offended except with a variation of what they would not have been offended by in the beginning - In their opinion.

Therefore, in my case, you still have no valid question before me.

Well then, less politely, let me say "Feel free to go fuck yourself and quit being such an overly sensitive little bitch" (since I have no valid question before you).

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Guest Matrix

Well then, less politely, let me say "Feel free to go fuck yourself and quit being such an overly sensitive little bitch" (since I have no valid question before you).

I hated your original premise of being on death row and suggesting that hiring an escort would be the only value or desire one would have in that horrible moment or position. It offended me because it devalued the death experience as I have recently had to experience with my own father (not on death row) and everything which led up to it.

I understood what you were asking, I just couldn't equate it to something as shallow as was your scenario.

I lightened up, obviously, after my related comments, and even furthered your post with my images, so as not to have, hopefully, come across "as such a sensitive bitch." Obviously I failed to achieve your high expectations of myself.

If that's not good enough for you than I have no resort than to share my next image with you - which is one I can not claim as an original. But it speaks for itself. Because it is, just so damn absolutely perfect.


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Guest Conway

Look, with all due respect, you long ago established yourself here as a disagreeable and miserable fuck.

I hate to break the news to you, but, you're not the only person on the face of the earth who has experienced adversity. You are, however, one of the few who thinks your own experiences are important enough that they should govern the ideas of others.

So, do us all a favor and go brew yourself a big cup of shut the fuck up.

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Guest Matrix

Look, with all due respect, you long ago established yourself here as a disagreeable and miserable fuck.

I may be disagreeable, but I've never been accused of being a miserable fuck before. I'm now in the process of communicating with everyone of whom I have ever fucked before in my entire life to ensure that MY orgasm wasn't THEIR exclusive mission to bring it about as quickly as possible to then only want to get themselves up, and get out, and away from me as quickly as possible.

I may now need more Entenmann's bakery goods to get me through this horrific waiting period than one might expect. It's considerable. :o

I hate to break the news to you, but, you're not the only person on the face of the earth who has experienced adversity. You are, however, one of the few who thinks your own experiences are important enough that they should govern the ideas of others.

I understand and sympathize with you Conway, that your only aggregate of life, at its end, seemingly, will be your personal search for everything of which you could have never achieved or experienced while you were still alive.The fact that others did will haunt you for all eternity.

I understand your anger about this and I will pray for you tonight, in the hopes that you will find peace and and better understanding of your personal values and self worth, through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

So, do us all a favor and go brew yourself a big cup of shut the fuck up.

I'd respond to that Conway, but Glenn Beck, my hero, is just beginning his nightly program on what's wrong with America. If I miss it, I'm sure that tomorrow, I'll regret completely, my misunderstanding of you, tonight.

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Guest Conway

Thanks for, once again, using an excessive number of words to say absolutely nothing. Your record as a boorish, self absorbed pontificator of useless statements remains in tact here in this forum.

"Shut The Fuck Up" would be a strategy that would make you sound much more intelligent than your current communication strategy of "blah blah weep weep" which makes you sound like a whiny, angry imbecile.

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