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The Google Instant Black List

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As those of you who live in the States know Google.com now has a feature where they try to guess what you are looking for as you type. It's called Google Instant.

The problem is (and this does not happen outside the United States) is that if you type in certain words your screen goes blank (even if you have Safe Search turned off) until you hit enter and authorize it to release the results to you.

But, Google never released which words made the black list. Luckily through trial and error one dude was able to figure out the full list.

Here it is, and the results are "interesting."


Most interesting, I think is the "lesbian" and "bisexual" are on the black list but "gay", "asexual" and "heterosexual" are not.

P.S. Thank god "blue waffle" made the black list.

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Great post, BBB. I've noticed that happening when I typed in various search terms but I had no idea it was Google being "discrete." :D

But seriously, dude, did you really have to point me to "blue waffle?" <_< That's just sick. The link I clicked on had a big, full color, up close and personal photo. I almost barfed.

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hahaha, I ain't gonna let you off that easy. You trying to get me to buy that "P.S. Thank god "blue waffle" made the black list" wasn't supposed to be bait for suckers like me? :rolleyes:

It's on, BBB. Fair warning, it may be a week or a month or a year, but it's coming: a link that gonna cause you to toss your lunch. Be afraid, be very afraid. :ph34r:

[Maybe I'll even post it under one of those puppet names folks are always talking about. Hee hee hee.]

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