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John Travolta

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So, the National Enquirer has come up with at least 50 men willing to go on the record as saying they had sex with John Travolta. That's a pretty big number to dispute and while the NE is not the New York Times, I suspect they are on the money with this one.

Supposedly the dudes he was doing were ones he picked up and hooked up with in gay saunas or young male escorts.

So, I have to ask: Any of you escorts ever get picked up by John?

Enquirering minds want to know.

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A question that should never be asked and answered even less frequently. <_<

My roommate tells me all the time of Celebs who are straight that have sex with guys and I agree Tampa its not to be revealed. As far as I am concerned its none of our business. Tiger Woods private life is none of our business either. LOL most of us are just jealous anyways.

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