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Guest FourAces

I Got Lucky & Got Glee'D

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Guest FourAces

Just sharing a fun evening I had.

Yesterday evening I met a beautiful twink on CL. Its nice to get a free hook up now and then. Anyway, after our bedroom fun we cuddled and chatted and next thing I know he's talking about Glee. Now I have never seen an entire episode and really had very little interest but I sure didn't want to let go of this dream cutie :P

So I listened as he went on to educate me about the series. To the point he reached over grabbed his iPhone (too bad it was not a Android phone that really would have put me in total love with him) and started pulling up YouTube clips from the show. And I actually liked what I saw.

The one that really stood out is when they did Bad Romance. Very impressive.

So now I am officially a Glee fan and will watch the back episodes to get caught up on all the happenings.

btw- When I told him I probably was the only person in the country that has not watched Glee he looked at me with and with a sexy smile said well at least the only gay person :P

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