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Saddest Story of the Day

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Two gay men who were photographed kissing at a conservative South African kiss-in last month have been involved in a tragic auto accident. The photo received international attention, but now one kisser is dead and the other on a ventilator. Read more:


(Info via towleroad.com)

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Guest RyanCade

I have always found photographs of two men kissing to be the absolute Hottest!. The story that follows this dreamy photo, is so sad, my eyes tearing, I can only imagine the pain the surviving man must feel. :-( WOW.

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Guest FourAces

I went back and read the article again and noticed a link to the university news paper. Though most of it is not in English parts are. It was interesting to read what some students thought about the photo (this was published prior to the accident). It appears that South Africa is way behind many countries when it comes to accepting gay people. Which makes their kissing photo revolutionary ... at least to me.

For those interested it appears that the young man facing the camera is the one currently in intensive care and he other man is the one who was killed in the crash. Apparently their was a third student involved and he to is in critical but stable condition.

This entire story is so sad .. it really bothers me. The only good I can see at the moment is that kiss will have a lasting impact on gay acceptance in their country.

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I didn't read the article as the preface with the pic of it was enough sadness for me. I couldn't watch the puppy video from another site yesterday either.

Sometimes, just the headline story is enough sadness to entertain.

Very sad.

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